5. - 7. October 2006

Kaj? Što? Šta? Ča? / What?

Despite the erstwhile intensity of Slovenia’s political, cultural and economic ties
with the Bosnian-Croatian and Serbian (B-H-S) speaking regions of Yugoslavia,
not so very long ago, over the last fifteen years these connections have been
reduced almost exclusively to the field of trade and commerce. As a result,
Slovenian literature has not merely lost significant translations, as well as
consequent publishing markets, but has also virtually abandoned the established
cultural communication channels with the countries of former Yugoslavia. This literary
translation workshop shall focus on an introduction to the various stages of a
translation project (from the selection of a text, establishing contact with
the publisher, copyright and royalty issues etc.), as well as the specifics of
literary translation between related languages such as the Southern Slavic
group, namely Slovene, Bosnian (B), Croatian (H) and Serbian (S). The topics
shall encompass the lexical and syntax characteristics of B-H-S languages, as
well as the new linguistic standards. The workshop, which is to span several
days, will be divided into two parts: first a discussion on theoretical and
pragmatic premises, followed by an evaluation of actual literary translations
of the works - by female authors - produced by participants. The conclusion of
the workshop will be accompanied by a reading of translated works. 


Đurđa Strsoglavec is an assistant
professor at the Department of Croatian and Serbian Literature at Ljubljana
University Faculty of Arts
, as well as translator from Southern Slavic

Lada Stevanović is a classical philologist, anthropologist and translator,
as well as a researcher, at the Institute
of Ethnography
in Belgrade.

A reading of works from the Translation
, together with the poetry of Maruša Krese and Šejla Šehabović will
be held on Tuesday 10th October at 4 pm at Cankarjev dom, Klub Lili Novy.

Organisation and production: City of Women
In collaboration with: Cankarjev dom 
With the support of: ISH-Institutum Studiorum
Humanitatis, Skrivanek prevajalske storitve d.o.o.