Active Environmental Citizenship
theory focuses primarily on the epistemological unmasking of the logic of
domination as the instrument of the Eurocentric patriarchal culture in its
oppression of women and nature in general. The logic of domination lies at the
base of the dualisms of the Judeo-Christian tradition, the mechanistic science
and philosophy of the Enlightenment and the desacralization of the earth.
Because ecofeminist spirituality draws on non-Eurocentric traditions, the
essential ethicalpolitical question becomes how to incorporate these traditions
into ecofeminist thought/action without perpetuating dualistic misconceptions.
This idea of the sacred and spiritual reflects the basic ecological
understanding that dualism can only be transcended through the acceptance of
difference, and difference can only be preserved by fostering relationships.
The lecture will be conducted in Croatian. English
translation will be provided.
Organized by: City of Women
In collaboration with: Škuc Gallery