13. October 2012

Teenage Lontano

Lontano composed by the
famous Hungarian György Ligeti in 1967, has in the new millennium been
reinterpreted by Marina Rosenfeld in an original and conceptual manner. Teenage
has been created somewhere between an adaptation and an
interpretation by which means Rosenfeld enters the space between classical and
popular music. She re-assembled an orchestral work into a vocal composition for
a teenage choir and introduced into it a number of approaches which do not
originate from the European modernist music tradition but rather from a
tradition of experimental music, with John Cage at the front. In her work,
Rosenfeld explores and transposes the relations between composition, vigorous
structure and the spontaneity of improvisation. Via mp3 player, the choir
listens to the adapted parts of the original composition and responds to it.
Therefore the original medium is no longer a score but a sound recording.
There's a massive rotating speaker suspended above the choir spinning at 33 revolutions
per minute thus personifying a rotating gramophone record, an object of pop
culture and an object par excellence in the work of Marina
Rosenfeld. The
speaker introduces into the space electronic sounds and noises. In an astute
manner, Rosenfeld anchors an audio experience from the tradition of high
modernism not only in the concept of popular music but also in the very essence
of listening to music today. (Luka Zagoričnik)

participants are students of the Pre-school Education and Grammar
School Ljubljana.

MoTA Institute, City of Women, Kino Šiška Center for Urban Culture; In
collaboration with: Pre-school Education and Grammar School Ljubljana.

Supported by: Supported by: U.S. Embassy Ljubljana and A Space for Live

sound performance, event in the organisation and production by SONICA
International Festival of Transitory and Experimental Art
presents Victor Joaquim & Maria Fandango, a
musical-visual duo whose performance will maintain the atmosphere
Marina Rosenfeld's sound performance.

Afterparty: DJ Sestra


Artists and collaborators
Marina Rosenfeld