Editta Braun (1958), born in Austria, with an academic degree from the University of Salzburg, studies dance and acting in New York, Paris and Greece. She teaches at the University of Salzburg, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität. More than ever, after 15 years on stage, Editta Braun is walking her own particular line. With a good dose of sympathetic stubbornness and serenely unconcerned with actual fads and trendy hypes, the poetic substance of her work is quite a plausible argument against the erstwhile obviously commonly accepted disenchantment of the world. Editta Braun’s pieces are characterized by an expressive style, strongly influenced by theatre and performance, with humor and pathos often walking side by side, and are interwoven with elements showing a commitment to social criticism. Serious craftmanship, intelligent precision and an osmotic exchange between composition and choreography are the creative breath of the dramaturgical, choreographic and dance process.