Emergency Exit Here-Now

The heroine is treading the line between a professional artist and an amateur
human being, caught up in the struggle for success and recognition in
the highly competitive art world, climbing to the top until she collapses...
to face the necessity to forge a new feminine way of being in the world.
The human condition is the main subject matter of this work, addressing the
concepts of the ego and the self.

The performance was originally conceived under the title In Her Room in Vienna
during the 3rd Living Room biennale in November 2011. The work has been
performed in Vienna, London, Berlin, and Amsterdam, whose edition was later
turned into a movie. A shorter version of this work, La Liberta, was created into a
baroque opera and performed in W139 gallery in Amsterdam in 2012. The work
further evolved into a performance Emergency Exit Now-Here, premiered at OT 301
in 2012.

»Some day there
will be girls and women whose name will no longer signify merely opposite
of the masculine, but something in itself, something that makes one think, not of any
complement and limit, but only of life and existence: the feminine human being.« Letters To A
Young Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke

Concept: Inga
Cholmogorova; butoh dance: Sakurako; sound: Phil Von (Von

Red Dawns
collaboration with: Menza pri koritu
Supported by:
Education, Audiovisual and Culture

Price for both
events of the day in Menza pri koritu: 6 eur,
4 eur (students upon submission of an identity card,
pensioners, persons with disabilities, unemployed and
self-employed in culture).

An hour before the
opening there will be a workshop, where we will prepare venue for the
performance. For invited artists and festival volunteers only.
