How to reconnect feminist and anticapitalist critique?

Husanović's critique of gender mainstreaming suggests ways to resist the
neoliberal appropriation of feminist politics by embracing new theories of
social emancipation without sacrificing the struggle for recognition. In her
words, it is important to reconnect feminism with the critique of capitalism,
because a large part of feminism abandoned class-based analysis, embraced
culturalization, and bridled our dreams about feminist emancipation for the
benefit of capitalist accumulation. Through identity politics, it dispersed the
feminist idea of equality, and began to advertise different fashion styles and
lifestyles, all of which have decentralised our labour power.

The lecture will be
followed by a workshop, where we will exchange our knowledge, experience,
and try to find possible actions to take in the field of feminist politics.

Red Dawns
collaboration with: Menza pri
Supported by: Education,
Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency

Artists and collaborators
Jasmina Husanović
Jasmina Husanović