From an orchestrated destruction of socialism back to capitalist barbarism: imposition of regressive socio-economic status for women

Neocolonial re-imposition of capitalism has resulted in a massive scaling back
of basic socio-economic rights, which affects women differently from men, as
it rests on the processes of re-patriarchalization. This is a direct result of the
transfer of the costs and responsibility for social and biological reproduction
of the current and future generations of labour force from capital owners to
women. As a result, women are pushed back into the isolation of their homes,
casting them into the role of unpaid reproductive workers and economic
dependents or semi-dependents, who in their newly cast role of unpaid, roundo-
clock reproductive workers come to be perceived as merely secondary earners
and a huge reserve army of labour confined mostly to the informal or semiinformal
sector. The re-instalment of capitalist social relations thus abdicates
on the socialist idea of gender equality and naturalization of conservative
gender constructs.

The lecture will be
followed by a workshop, where we will exchange our knowledge, experience,
and try to find possible actions to take in the field of feminist politics.

Red Dawns
collaboration with: Menza pri
Supported by: Education,
Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency

Artists and collaborators
Lilijana Burcar