5. October 2013
14.00 – 16.00

Our Autonomous Life?: sitcom screening, workshop and public event,

Join us for a film screening and
debate with Our Autonomous
, a four episode
‘cooperative sitcom’ that offers
a behind-the-scenes glimpse
into the life of a fictional living
group, and was co-written with
people who have a stake in the
practices of communal living.
Based on research collected on
the Dutch squatting movement
and the social housing situation
in the Netherlands, the sitcom is
an experiment in workshopping
new narratives and spatial
constructions for ‘living
together’ in confrontational,
humorous and creative ways.
After the screening, the Our
Autonomous Life? collective
will share insight on their
collective process and share
their sketches for a possible
future series, adopting the event
of the City of Women Festival
as a moment for exchange and
discussion around housing
struggle in Ljubljana, towards
the production of a possible new

Organization: City of Women; In
collaboration with: Squat Exercise Collective, Revolting Women Social Workers,
Azil Bookshop.
Supported by: EU Culture.