Great Britain / 2011 / 45'
Performance ono-to-one
“It is not our differences that divide us.
It is our inability to recognise, accept
and celebrate these differences.”
– Audre Lorde
Born out of a series of ʻholding hands
experimentsʼ, with both same sex and mixed
sex couples, the piece asks people to challenge
prejudices in the flesh, and experience firsthand
what it is to walk in someone elseʼs
shoes - or hands. The work is focused on
exploring the experience of queer lifestyles
and identities within a city, and at the same
time is a broader experiment of what can be
learned when two strangers share an intimate
moment in public. It also asks questions of the
social diversity and cultural codes within each
city where it takes place.
Walking:Holding is a subtle, experiential
performance that involves one audience member
at a time walking through the city holding hands
with a range of different people on a carefully
designed route. The performers, or ‘hand holders,’
within the piece are a group of local people from
a range of different sections of the community,
different ages, races, genders, sexualities and
social backgrounds who create a diverse and rich
experience for the audience members. It’s about
flesh to flesh experiences of difference. It hopes to
encourage greater understanding and tolerance
amongst people who experience it, and to open
up new possibilities for ways of being in public
space, and ways of being with each other.
In English. Please make a reservation at contact@cityofwomen.org.
Tickets: € 7 / € 5
Finishing with a Performers / Participants talk at Pritličje on October 9th at 6.30PM (free entry).
Organization: City of Women. In collaboration with Pritličje.