Imaginary Being
USA/Germany / 2015 / 40'
Air, breathe in, breathe out, diaphragm,
oral cavity, tongue, lips, trumpet, reflection,
composition, improvisation, sound, silence,
multiphonics, extended techniques,
original preparations of the instrument,
room acoustics, digital sound processing,
field recordings, extended speakers,
quadrophonics, trumpet as transmitter and
receiver, as an acoustic chamber, festivals,
club scene, original venues, independent and
academic scene.
Tomaž Grom
Live solo quadraphonic performance
which utilizes a custom 4-channel trumpet
and a trompete concrète interface. The
trompete concrète sounds are derived from
scientific, medical and musical tuning fork
pitch sets, field recordings, and an extensive
personal animal language – sourced from
the interplay of horn, extensions, and voice.
The quad trumpet also serves to disseminate/
spatialize the live voice and extended trumpet
techniques (which often have a rather beastly
Imaginary Being takes its inspiration
from the works of Jorge Luis Borges - from
the Book of Imaginary Beings and from his
essay The Analytical language of John Wilkins.
Throughout the piece, ethereal tones wander
through the weather amidst the grunts,
groans, calls, songs, and shrieks of a strange
new world. Imaginary Being aims to create
a series of folk taxonomies and fantastical
landscapes for the listener – opening a space
both for the contemplative and absurd.
Tickets: € 7 / € 5 (ticket is also valid for the concert Radio Silence No More)
Organisation: Zavod Sploh. In collaboration with City of Women and Menza pri koritu – ACC Metelkova city.