11. October 2017

The order of the family, sexual democracy, and human ecology

Talk / 60'

A talk between Éric Fassin in and Roman Kuhar:

The order of the family, sexual democracy, and
human ecology

Throughout the world, the sexual
order has become a major political issue. The battle about “gay marriage,” that
is, the opening of marriage to same-sex couples and the recognition of queer families,
is part of a history that includes reproductive rights for women,
contraception, abortion, and access to assisted reproductive technologies. To
understand these political and geopolitical controversies about sexual
difference, sexuality, and the family, in particular the religion mobilization
against the (so-called) “theory of gender” and in favor of a “human ecology,”
one needs to analyze the diffusion of the democratic logic that is at work in
our societies to sexual issues.


// in English with simultaneous translation //

Free entry.

In frame of the project Performing Gender - Dance makes differences.

Organization: French Institute in Slovenia. In cooperation with City Museum of Ljubljana and City of Women.
