14. October 2017
15.00 – 18.00


Slovenia / 2017
Participatory semiotic laboratory

The projects represents a congress of actors, a congress of human, digital, algorithmic and technological entities, with are invited – without specific premeditated intention – to join in a process of meaning-making, sense and nonsense in which everyone takes on an equal role. Algorithmic entities are faced with unexpected inputs and asked to ascribe meaning to them. The results are further processed by different algorithms and other technological interfaces, whilst the meaning that is forming in the meantime has no meaning, defies its own purpose. The process of semiosis, meaning-making and sense is treated as something that does not belong solely to people, but rather occurs from the materiality of the engaged actors of the congress.

Free entry.

Performance is part of the exhibition Liminal Agents.

Set-up Assistant: Simon Gmajner.

In the frame of EU project Future Emerging Art and Technology (FEAT).
Part of the series of works Confronting Vegetal Otherness has been realized within the European project Trust Me, I’m an Artist (http://trustmeimanartist.eu/) and produced by Kapelica Gallery / Kersnikova Institute with support of the European Union - Creative Europe, Leonardo da Vinci LLP, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture and the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.

Co-production of the exhibition: City of Women and ŠKUC Gallery. Supported by Kapelica Gallery.
