9. October 2017

Warm Up: Hermitage State Theatre

Sweden/Germany / 2014 / 4,25 min / Colour / stereo / 4:3

In the film Warm Up: Hermitage State Theatre, created in 2014 for the Manifesta in St. Petersburg, the artist Klara Lidén shows themselves taking part in the warm-up exercises of the St. Petersburg State Ballet. The artist themselves take the stage – in the midst of a row of almost marionette-like ballerinas. They try to follow the rehearsed choreography of the dancers, but with obvious difficulty. The expanse of the stage and the bright light of the spotlights expose the dilettantish nature of Lidén’s movements, which make the artist all the more susceptible to the judging eye of the viewer.

Film is part of the screening of shorts Queer Moves.

Music: Tvillingarna; Camera: Grant Watkins.

Organisation: City of Women. In cooperation with Alkatraz Gallery. 
Supported by The Swedish Arts Council.

Artists and collaborators
Klara Lidén