Alja Lobnik
Alja Lobnik is a PhD candidate at the Humanities and Social Sciences interdisciplinary programme at the University of Ljubljana. She works as a publicist and critic for Radio Študent’s Culture and Humanities Redaction, and for the Bunker’s Kriterij.si platform, while she has also been published in various other magazines and publications (Amfiteater, Dialogi, Maska, Šum, etc.). She participated at lectures, symposiums and round tables, moderating and organising some of them. For several years, she co-organised the Sic! theatre seminar, which focused on dance practices and through self-referentiality contributed to a reflection on the “young female critic” syntagma in the field of theatre criticism. Alja Lobnik is the Glej theatre programme editor and has been cooperating with Nagib na oder in Maribor.