Polona Sepe
Polona Sepe (SI) (1957–2019) finished her studies at the Ljubljana Academy of Radio, Film and Television. During her film directing studies, she wrote screenplays for her films. In 1982, she got the Student Prešeren Award for her film In Memoriam (1982) and a special Metod Badjur merit as the most integral student film author for her diploma. After her studies, she worked as an assistant director for the films Iskanja (Seeking, 1979), Nasvidenje v naslednji vojni (See you in the Next War, 1980), Prestop (Crossing, 1980) and Rdeči boogie ali Kaj ti je deklica (Red boogie or What Is It, Girl, 1982). She directed numerous short films, TV series (Totalna razprodaja (Everything Must Go, 2005)), documentary films, animations and a medium-length film Kamera tukaj in tudi teče (Camera Here and On, 2007).