Focus Nina Dragičević
Round table, 75'
// in Slovenian //
Seeking for intersections and confronting views on different aspects of musical, literary and theoretical creativity of Nina Dragičević. Nataša Velikonja, Gabriela Babnik and Marko Karlovčec are to situate it into the context of theoretical and literary production, the context of lesbian activism and the context of music with a focus on the sonic quality of her creative work. Moderated by Miha Zadnikar. The event is to be followed by the concert implementation of the book reading of Love Says Let’s Go.
Prticipating: Nataša Velikonja, Gabriela Babnik, Marko Karlovčec
Moderated by: Miha Zadnikar
Free entrance.
Produced by: City of Women in co-operation with: Bunker – Old Power Station. in the framework of the European cooperation project Musica Femina International. Supported by: Ministry of Culture, City of Ljubljana, Creative Europe Program.