Castration, photo: Matjaž Rušt
Castration, photo: Matjaž Rušt
17. October 2021
20.00 – 21.00


Glass Illka

2021, 40′
In Slovenian

10/8 € (ticket reservations and sales at the venue)

Listening to the media still makes our ears prick, even when we think we have heard it all. The verbal diarrhoea of political rhetoric boasting with its “freedom of speech” is becoming increasingly obscene. The vulgar political game has become an aestheticized media event. The spin doctors’ verbal distillations are strategically castrating the public, which is turning into a farm for the ideological rearing of an obedient flock. 

Glass Illka is a mellow vocal cord filter of media excrement. Her daily news grind occasionally stumbles upon a grain of sand that gets caught in the wheels of her mind.

The premiere performance will take place on 17 October at 20.00 in The New Post Office.

Concept and performance: Glass Illka; mentor: Anita Wach; text advisor: Varja Hrvatin; costume design and scenography: Olja Grubić; sound: Eduardo Raon; technical direction and lights: Špela Škulj; artistic direction: Bojan Jablanovec; producer: Špela Trošt. The project was developed in the Via Negativa performance laboratory — VN Lab 2020/2021; production: Via Negativa; co-production: City of Women in co-operation with Mladinsko Theatre and Maska Institute; thanks to: Cankarjev dom, Tibor Mihelič.

Artists and collaborators
Glass Illka
Video: Urša Bonelli Potokar