City of Women – City of Sisterhood
Sisterhood is: joint action, a common goal, support and stimulation, empowerment, building herstory, sharing, new ways of working with memory, presence, and awareness of presence, caring, not thinking about oneself (and sometimes precisely: thinking about oneself), honesty, non-hierarchical cooperation, looking for other forms of social organization, inclusiveness, community beyond divisions, always remembering about those who are disadvantaged.
We invite all sisters – artists, speakers, curators, producers – involved in the City of Women Festival, as well as sisters working in the field of culture and arts in Ljubljana to come together and meet around the category of sisterhood. We will start with a joint breakfast, during which the editors of the publication "Traces of Sisterhood" will present its main themes. We will then move on to a workshop sharing experiences among the gathered participants and building a collective definition of sisterhood, based on the embroidery technique.
Co-production: City of Women; ŠKUC Association; co-funders: Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Ljubljana, TRACTS COST Action (20134) on “Traces as Research Agenda for Climate Change, Technology Studies and Social Justice", COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).