La Ribot

La Ribot

Artist and choreographer La Ribot was born in Madrid. In 1994, she started her well-known series Distinguished Pieces with the solo series 13 piezas distinguidas, followed by Más distinguidas in 1997, Still Distinguished (2000) and PARAdistinguidas (2011). In 2000, La Ribot began experimenting with videomaking, using a handheld video and shooting from the point of view of the performing body. Using this technique, she conceived the installation Despliegue (2001), the complex ensemble piece Mariachi 17 (2009) and Beware of Imitations! (2014), a video tribute to Loie Fuller. The 2000s also saw 40 Espontáneos (2004), Laughing Hole (2006) and Gustavia (2008), a duo with Mathilde Monnier. In 2012, she completed EEEXEEECUUUUTIOOOOONS!!!, a choreographic commission for the Ballet de Lorraine, France. She has participated in exhibitions in Japan, in Seoul, South Korea, and in Mexico City, where, in 2012, MUAC inaugurated its Live Art exhibition space with a monographic exhibition on her work. She is presently collaborating with Juan Domínguez and Juan Loriente on El Triunfo de La Libertad, which premiered in Geneva in September 2014.