Boglárka Börcsök

Boglárka Börcsök

Boglarka Börcsök, dancer and performer is shifting between performance, choreography, voice and video. She has been working as a dancer and performer, shifting between performance, choreography, voice and video. She lives and works in Brussels and Budapest. Since 2011, she has been working as a performer with artists such as Eszter Salamon, Ligia Lewis, Kate McIntosh, Joachim Koester and Tino Seghal, among others. She has participated in Tino Sehgal’s work at documenta (13), Manchester International Festival, Stedelijk Museum, KIASMA – Contemporary Art Museum. She is one of the protagonists of Joachim Koester’s video work The Place of Dead Roads and Maybe This Act, This Work, This Thing presented at Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, Camden Art Centre. For the last three years, she has been performing and collaborating in Eszter Salamon’s monument series: MONUMENT 0: Haunted by Wars (1913–2013) presented at Ruhrtriennale, Centre Pompidou, Festival d’Avignon, MONUMENT 0.3: Love Letters to Valeska Gert, presented at Museum der Moderne in Salzburg and Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid. Currently, Boglárka Börcsök is creating Persisting Stages, a video film featuring elderly female dancers who are now between 90 and 101 years old and living in Budapest. The work is made in collaboration with filmmakers Lisa Rave and Andreas Bolm.