Elisabeth Harnik

Elisabeth Harnik

Elisabeth Harnik, a pianist and composer, is active in the electro-acoustic world. Her extensive techniques are unique and exciting. She became famous as an exceptional interpreter of ‘new music’.

Her compositions have been performed by all the major Austrian, German, English and Croatian ensembles for contemporary music. In her later work, she became more and more drawn towards free improvisation. She has enthralled the likes of Joëlle Léandre, Peter Kowald, Lauren Newton and David Moss with her work. Although she studied composition, she began doing free improvisation in 1996. Both as a soloist and as a member of larger ensembles, she has performed at important events, including, among others, V:NM-Festival, Ulrichsberger Kaleidophon, Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen, Artacts Festival St. Johann na Tirolsekm, Wien Piano Festival Soundgrube, Musicacoustica Beijing, Beethovenfest Bonn, Alpenglow Festival London, Umbrella Music Festival Chicago, Comprovise Festival Köln ...