City of Women practices and promotes participatory or community-based art, which aims to change the traditional relationship between the artwork, the artist and the audience. We place the process before the final artwork and encourage horizontal decision-making by all participants during the creation process. In community art practices we address issues such as gender inequality in society, its intersectionality with class and race, power relations in the school system, issues of integration and problems of discrimination based on language, age, class, sexual orientation or identity. In the context of international art projects, we work at a local level to promote intergenerational networking, develop local audiences, and involve artists from outside the arts in our projects. Such projects include Be Part, Performing Gender, Women on Women, Chorus for the Audience, Burnout Aid,... All these themes were addressed in May at the Community Building Lab.
Community building
The WoW Awards are a response to the systematic erasure of women*, their work, and achievements from the historical canon. We award these prizes with the motto: "If we want history to be written in our name, we must write it ourselves." With these awards, we highlight and unveil the invisible work, stories, courage, and determination of individuals and collectives, the fighters for a better world, and feminist heroines.
2024 Award Winners were: Dijana Matković, Tjaša Črnigoj, Tea Hvala, Rave Utopia and Sonja Lokar.

The Audience Assembly is intended for the exchange of experiences, reflections, opinions, and direct response to performances created in the independent scene. Through this platform, spectators publicly articulate their thoughts on the shows, engage in dialogues with the creators, and provide a different perspective on their work. The Audience Assembly has been organized since 2013 in collaboration with Bunker Institute, Vio Negativo, and Maska Institute.