
Reflecting on the 5th part of the Connecting Lines: International Conference on Ecology, Feminism ...

Danes pomanjkanje časa ustvarja nov globalni red, v katerem so ženske množično vključene v aktivno delovno silo, medtem ko se socialna država umika...

The Slovenian visual artist and filmmaker Katarina Jazbec, based in Rotterdam, invites you to a two ...
For the round festival anniversary, you will pay a round sum of 30 euros and enjoy films, performances, and concerts worth a total of 130 euros!

In focus

Reflecting on the 5th part of the Connecting Lines: International Conference on Ecology, Feminism and Care ; Krater Field Visit Within the framework of the TRACTS and City of Women international conference Connecting Lines: International Conference on Ecology, Feminism and Care, we tried to bring ...

Danes pomanjkanje časa ustvarja nov globalni red, v katerem so ženske množično vključene v aktivno delovno silo, medtem ko se socialna država umika...


Editor: Tea Hvala Foreword: Svetlana Slapšak Texts: Ana Cergol Paradiž, Manca G. Renko, Tea Hvala ...
Editors : Katja Kobolt in Petja Grafenauer Editorial assistance introduction : Tea Hvala ...
Authors : Marian Lopez Fernandez Cao, Isabella Mileti, Julia Nyikos, Eleonora Schulze-Battmann, Sara ...
Authors : Sara Šabec, Maja Hodošček Graphic design : Ana Cebrián Published by : City of Women - ...

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