26. October 2013

My Body, My Territory

My Body, My Territory is a socially engaged performance about sexual violence
against women. It is dedicated to sexual abuse survivors and addresses the
complex process that women who have experienced it go through: from the
moment of rape to the point when they decide to report it to the police and
dare to say: »Rape is never a woman's fault. The perpetrator is the one who
should be ashamed.« The performance reflects on the position of a victim
who feels she has no choice and is unable to defend herself. While she is in a
state of shock, paralysed by fear, the perpetrator's violence continues. In the
second part, a dramatised audio recording of the police investigation reveals
the additional degradation and humiliation of the victim who has to answer
questions like »What did you wear?« and »Did you defend yourself?«. In addition,
she is told that »It all comes down to his word against yours«. In the final part,
the audience gains an insight into the personal struggle of a deeply wounded
woman who nevertheless decides to fight the perpetrator: to report him and
face him at court where he is going to receive the punishment he deserves.

Past performances:
They don't Trust.
Red Card for
Do you Notice
Violence against Women?
Do react, until
it’s not too late!
I Can’t Leave
Because …
If Dead, We Stand
My Body, My

Promo video: http://www.actwomen.org/film-moje-telo-moja-teritorija-2010.html

Red Dawns
Supported by: Education,
Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency, European
Cultural Fundation - STEP Beyond
Travel Grants

Artists and collaborators
ACT Women

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