The South In Us: Exhibition Opening
You are cordially invited to the opening of the international exhibition “The South in Us” on Thursday, the 8th of June at 7pm at the Likovni salon Gallery. You are also invited to a dance performance entitled The NAM – Non-Aligned Movement by artist Christian Guerematchi, which will take place on Friday, the 9th of June at 7pm in the Small Hall of Celjski dom.
Jasmina Cibic, Anna Dasović, Doplgenger, Minna Henriksson, Daniela Ortiz
Curator: Iva Kovač
The South in Us exhibition looks at artworks and/as ideas that consider the historical and contemporary embeddedness of Slovenia and its neighbouring countries in the global history in which, on the one hand, South-Eastern European lands and their people have been racialised as the European Other while, on the other, coloniality left a strong trace in the views on racial hierarchies here as much as anywhere else.
More: https://csu.si/en/exhibition/the-south-in-us/