14. October 2018

On staging new dramatics


Round table

Undoubtedly, Simona Semenič is among the most engaged playwrights in Slovenia. She reflects on how to write a play (in quite a formal way) while resisting and questioning the ideology of language (using no capital letters or punctuation). She is a playwright-activist who responds to space and time with her engagement that transgresses mere writing – in theatre, in dramatics and in personal life. As the head of the PreGlej Initiative, she spent years organising playwriting workshops and exploring various forms of staging dramatics; often, she also staged her texts herself (with a performance, as a reader, etc.). Currently, she is working as the main tutor of playwriting at the Vzkrik Platform, a sort of continuation to the PreGlej Laboratory. 

At the round table we will be asking how her practices influence the horizon of young playwrights. Is there a need for such formal transgressions and “dramatic activism” also in the young generation? 

Young artists will talk about how and in what way our “young” drama texts coexist in the context of the Slovenian performance space. Our wish for the round table is to offer a starting point for the future; to perhaps form a group that could test various new dramatic performance practices at the next Vzkrik Festival.

Concept and moderation: Brina Klampfer

 Speakers: Katja Gorečan, Varja Hrvatin, Maša Pelko, Dino Pešut

Free entrance.


Production and organization: Maska.

Artists and collaborators
Brina Klampfer

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