Lana Zdravković
Lana Zdravković is researcher, publicist, political activist, producer and performer (not necessarily in that order). She has a PhD in philosophy from the Faculty of postgraduate studies, University of Nova Gorica (Comparative studies of ideas and cultures, philosophical module: the transformation of modern thought – philosophy, psychoanalysis, culture) with the thesis Politics of Emancipation: Thought-Practice of the Militant Subject. She graduated in comparative literature and sociology of culture at the Faculty of Philology of University of Belgrade, with the thesis Samuel Beckett, the Innovator of Romanesque Form.
In her work she nurtures synergies between theoretical, activist and artistic approach to research of: politics of emancipation, thought-practice of the militant subject, radical equality, political/engaged/critical art. She passionately faces rethinking of the issues such as: power of presentation and excess of representation, potential of subversive artwork, opening of the spaces of equality as processes of redistribution of the sensible, scandal of the embodiment, identity and belonging.
She has carried out numerous solo projects and as part of the artistic tandem Kitch (since 1999) and is also co-founder of institute for art production and research Kitch (2006). She actively cooperates with City of Women festival (since 2005) and is a member of The Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture – City of Women (since 2012). She takes part in the technoburlesque collective Image Snatchers as Rebellious KITCH Controversy (since 2014). She attended Laboratory for contemporary performing arts of Via Negativa (in 2015, 2016 and 2017).