
The 30th International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women will take place this year from October 4th to 13th!

Without sisterly relationships based on solidarity, understanding differences, and support, the City of Women festival certainly would not be celebrating its 30th anniversary. Therefore, this year's festival edition thematizes SISTERHOOD.

Thirty years of cooperation and co-creation have brought different understandings of sisterhood. Sisterhood, from a critical, feminist, decolonial, and intersectional position, becomes a tool to question the universal category of woman*. It focuses on mutual values such as care, empathy, and solidarity. We see it as a principle that learns from differences and seeks strategies to build relationships among women, with the goal of building solidarity.

The festival will take place this year from October 4th to 13th, and we are also celebrating the jubilee edition throughout the year by opening the festival archive. This year’s visual identity is again designed by Urška Alič in collaboration with intermedia artist Lina Rica. We look forward to celebrating the 30th edition with you!




*The term woman and other words written in the feminine grammatical gender are used inclusively, addressing every person who identifies as female, as well as non-binary, trans, a-gender, and intersex people.


Artistic concept, photography, and video: Lina Rica.