
Invitation To Sign The Petition

We Know Who We Are: sign the petition for trans persons’ right to self-determination


One of the most important human rights is freedom of expression regarding oneself. E.g.: I am a woman. I am a non-binary person. I'm a trans man. In Slovenia, this is right isn’t accesible to transgender persons. If they want their identity documents to reflect who they are, they are forced to obtain a diagnosis of a mental health disorder. 

The appropriate procedure for changing one’s gender marker in legal documents is a fast, simple and administrative, and the only person who should be able to decide upon it is the person themself. Such are the global and European guidelines, according to which legal gender recognition procedures are already regulated in 11 European countries. This is not yet the case in Slovenia: the condition for accessing the legal procedure is invasive medical-psychiatric treatment. 

In order to rectify the procedure, this condition should be deleted in the Rules on the implementation of the Register of Deaths, Births and Marriages Act. Trans persons know that the gender they were assigned at birth is not theirs. Trans persons know who they are.