Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier

Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier

Queer activist and theorist, Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier teaches cultural studies, queer studies and feminist studies at the university of Lille 3 in France. He has published extensively on gender, sexualities, queer theory, queer politics, queer subcultures and post-porn. He is the author of the Queer Zones’s trilogy: Queer Zones 1, Politique des identités sexuelles et des savoirs (2001), Queer Zones 2, Sexpolitiques (2005) et Queer Zones 3, Identtités, Cultures, Politiques (2011) and Comprendre le féminisme (2012). His next book will deal with sex and neoliberalism. All his books and articles are available on