Ana Álvarez-Errecalde

Ana Álvarez-Errecalde was born in Argentina and lives in Spain. Her work includes photography, video and installations and has been shown at Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB), Foment de les Arts i del Disseny (FAD) and Centro de Arte Santa Mónica (Barcelona), Sala El Águila, Feria Estampa and Canal de Isabel II (Madrid), European Women Lobby (Brussels), Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA) and Centro Cultural de Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEBA). Her self-portrait Birth of my Daughter was part of a group exhibition at the University of Jaén (Spain) entitled MATER, which included artists such as Judy Chicago, Ouka Leele and Marina Nuñez. Her work is part of private collections and has been published in several books, catalogues and cultural magazines. Her book of photography, titled Cesárea, más allá de la Herida (Caesarean, beyond the wound) edited by Ob Stare, has received excellent reviews at an international level.
