Eliza Proszczuk

Eliza Proszczuk – visual artist, animator, educator, author of fabrics, spatial objects, and collages. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the Faculty of Painting, and from the Post St. Joost in Breda at the Faculty of Visual Arts. In 2015 she defended her doctoral dissertation at her alma mater. She is a two-time holder of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and ZAiKS scholarship. She is currently working at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, at the Faculty of Interior Design, Textiles in Architecture Studio. Eliza Proszczuk creates socially engaged art, touching upon issues related to feminism and womanhood; she works with women in prison, patients of drug rehabilitation centers, refugees, and displaced persons. She often finds inspiration in the traditional arts and crafts of north-east Poland. Co-editor of the publication "Traces of Sisterhood" published by the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, 2022.
