
FYRABEN is a Malmö based collective creating in the wider field of contemporary dance, performance art and drama theatre. The group developed a technique called tricksterism or dramaturgy of betrayal, by researching what it means to be political on stage in a system that demands critique in order to maintain the status quo. Working in the field of performing arts it is becoming obvious that not only is it not forbidden to be provocative, subversive and radical – it has almost become an (market) imperative. This constant need that the ruling ideology seems to have for selfcritique and self-problematisation could of course be seen as affirmation of the open and free aspects of liberal values, but considering the true impact it has on society it is more useful to see it as a way to maintain the current state of things. In order to avoid that, we need not only to formulate the right political questions – but also to redefine what being political means
