Kaffe Matthews & Stevie Wishart

Kaffe Matthews has been making and performing new music and working across disciplines for the past 15 years. From a background of classical violin, a zoology degree, studying West African drumming, and a master’s degree in music technology, she is now mostly known for her “live sampling” performances of the violin. Her sound is determined by three elements. While she plays her classical instrument, she picks up environmental sounds with a tiny microphone (somewhere hidden in or around the place where she performs), and processes these sounds in real-time with her state-of-the-art LiSa STEIM software on a p.c.. The results are intoxicatingly lyrical, though densely layered, soundscapes. Her improvised compositions are like evocative, imaginary soundtracks. Unlike a lot of electronic music of the late-20th- century, her music is totally compelling. It’s electronic music that breathes. Listening to Matthews is a powerful physical experience. It leads you through beautiful, almost tangible, spaces. Besides her solo work (cdAnn and cdBea, available on her own label ANNETTE WORKS), she has recently performed and collaborated  with (among others) drummer/vocalist Charles Hayward, Butch Morris’ Conduction, The BROOD, and Thomas Koner. Matthews also appears on David Toop’s cd Pink Noir.
