Laia Abril

Laia Abril is a multi-disciplinary artist working in photography, text, video and sound. Her work focuses on intimate stories that raise uneasy and hidden realities related with sexuality, eating disorders and gender equality. After graduating in journalism, she moved to New York to attend ICP photography courses. In 2009, she enrolled at FABRICA – the Artist Residency of the Benetton Research Centre in Italy – where she worked at the magazine COLORS as a creative editor and photographer for five years.

In 2015 she was nominated for Foam’s Paul Huf Award and the Joop Swart Masterclass in 2014. The Epilogue (Dewi Lewis, 2014) was shortlisted or the Paris Photo-Aperture First Book Award, Kassel PhotoBook Festival and Photo España Best Book Award. Lobismuller (RM, 2016) — holder of the Images Book Award – was exhibited at Festival Images in Vevey in 2016.