
osborn&møller is Emma Møller (DK) and Mary Osborn (GB), an independent curatorial duo unattached to any one organisation, city or country who come together to create temporary spaces for performance encounters. They are interested in performance as a practice that can disrupt structures of oppression, re-think hierarchies, illuminate the slippery borders between bodies and offer a space for critical empathy and imagining. To date, they have worked with Wellcome Collection (London), City of Women (Ljubljana), Warehouse9 (Copenhagen), Artsadmin (London) and performingborders (London). Their first project, Bodies Beyond Borders: Territory (Warehouse9, Copenhagen, 2017) explored geopolitical fear tactics, and was born in response to the very particular moment in summer 2016 when their collaboration formed and the border between the UK and mainland Europe began to be redrawn.