Photo: Nada Žgank
Photo: Nada Žgank

#8MarchEveryDay - CANCELLED

Game get-togethers

Both get-togethers are cancelled!

The City of Women association spreads awareness about women’s accomplishments among the general public. That is also the aim of the European project Women on Women, as part of which two representatives of the association working in education will hold two get-togethers with the elderly in the course of the 3rd Life Period Festival. At each get-together, they will use games – the #8MarchEveryDay quiz and the Fierce Women card game – to present their selection of inspiring historical female figures in the worlds of arts, culture, politics (particularly feminism), human rights, and science. As many of them lived in the Ljubljana area, the get-togethers will also be organised in the hope that the participants share their memories and anecdotes about women who have much too often been forgotten despite their achievements. Perhaps together we can discover other heroines.

During the 3rd Life Period Festival, two three-hour get-togethers will be held at Ljubljana Day Centres for Senior Activities: on Thursday, 1 October, at 10.00 at Tržaška cesta 37 and on Friday, 2 October, at 10.00 at Gosposvetska cesta 4.

Prior application is obligatory. We accept applications until all spots are filled: (1 October) and (2 October). 

The get-together will be run by Sara Šabec and Neža Vatovec

The additional get-together planned on 30 September in Cankarjev dom at the 3rd Life Period Festival is cancelled.  

Produced by: City of Women, as part of the European project Women on Women co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. Supported by: Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public Administration, City of Ljubljana (European Capital of Culture 2025 Candidate City).

Artists and collaborators
Neža Vatovec

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