12. October 2007

Afterparty with Sindikat DJs

Through a reconstruction of the f etishist and voyeuristic iconography of mass culture, the audio-visual
aes thetics of Sindikat revives the ut opia of the socie t y of spectacle, and in doing so forms a special
community that becomes a real communication zone. By connecting various urban sub-cultural identities
within this zone, Sindikat strives for a heterogeneous social str ucture. Members of the group -
CASIOp, Emulgator, Dečko Z Vlečko and Delta Nu - are coded identities which, via a media-modif ied
view, present themselves as representives of fe tish(-ism). Sindikat is merely a metaphor for insight into
the realit y of the f iction – disturbance in the systemised everyday. Identif ication of a person in a real
Sindikat event indirectly redef ines the issue of control over individual within mass media, which results
in specif ic cultural revolution.
Sindikat is watching you– watch it back.

Organized by: City of Women
In collaboration with: Klub Gromka

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