Ask! Actie Schone Kunsten: reverse graffiti action, in collaboration with Revolting Women Social Workers, and others

With special isotypes created by
artist Andreas Siekmann, Ask!
(Actie Schone Kunsten) has so
far organized various reverse
graffiti actions in Utrecht with
Domestic Workers Netherlands
and in London with Justice for
Domestic Workers. Leading up
to the opening of GDR GOES
ON at The City of Women
Festival, members of Ask! and
a member from Justice for
Domestic Workers will exchange
and collaborate with local
affinity group Revolting Women
Social Workers in Ljubljana
on a reverse graffiti action in

Join us afterwards, at 9pm,
at Breg 22 for the festive
opening of GDR GOES ON –

Organization: City of Women; In
collaboration with: Squat Exercise Collective, Revolting Women Social Workers,
Azil Bookshop.
Supported by: EU Culture.

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