11. October 2005



Thinking loudly about gender, queer and (post)feminism
Moderated by Marina Gržinić (Slovenia)
Guest of honour and keynote speaker: Tanja Karpela, Minister of Culture, Finlad

Artists, critics, curators, writers, filmmakers - the
festival participants - will discuss the conditions
surrounding the (im)possibility to work, as well
as reflect upon and deal with questions of
(trans)gender, working conditions, politics and the
perspective of different communities and institutions
engaged in the field of contemporary art. It is not a
question if gender matters (it does!), but rather what
contribution it can make to changing neo-conservative
and neo-liberal approaches to life, community and work,
that currently reign over the world. The question is what
other spaces, bodies and policies can be engendered in
order to bring about true change, and not the mere
simple improvement of the situation as regards
difference, solidarity and equality.


Diana McCarty (USA / Germany): media artist and
software developer; co-founder of Bootlab, a Berlin-based IT
network production, presentation and distribution group, as
well as the Faces and Nettime mailing lists.

Maja Bajević (Bosnia-Herzegovina / France): artist; a graphic
design graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo,
with post-graduate study of multimedia arts at ENSBA
(École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts) in Paris.

Anita Ponton (UK): live-art performance artist; graduate of
Central St. Martins College of Art and Design in London,
currently working on her doctorate in fine arts at
Goldsmiths College.

Silke Mansholt (Germany / UK): performer and dancer; has
studied graphic design, fine arts, performance and dance - as
well as healing practices - in Germany and the UK.

Katrien Jacobs (Belgium / Hong Kong): sholar, writer
and activist in the field of digital art and culture, who has
lectured and published widely on netporn, sex art and
censorship. Currently she is assistant professor at City
University of Hong Kong.

Marijs Boulogne (Belgium): performance artist, writer and
theatre director; studied at the RITS film-school in Brussels.
Under the auspices of Cie Buelens Paulina, young artists
improvise with theatre, performance, contemporary music,
video and embroidery.

Shelbatra Jashari (Kosovo / Belgium): studied experimental film, and is
currently finishing her masters degree in audiovisual arts at the Hogeschool
Sint Lukas Brussels.

Christen Clifford (USA): actress, writer and performance artist whose
work has appeared in major US periodicals as well as in film and on
television; visiting scholar at New York University.

Waltraud Grausgruber, Birgitt Wagner (Austria): representatives of
the association Culture2Culture, which organises cultural, scientific and
interdisciplinary events focusing on women, film & video, as well as Tricky
Women, the only female animation film festival in Europe.

Rosa Reitsamer (Austria): sociologist, writer and DJ, researching women’s
representation in visual arts, popular culture, and music; editor of the
queer-feminist magazine Female Sequences.

Ivana Sajko (Croatia): playwright, dramaturg and director, graduate of the
Zagreb Academy of Drama Arts; co-founder of the BAD co theatre group
and member of the editorial board of Frakcija, an international magazine for
performing arts.

Alenka Spacal (Slovenia): artist, theoretician, fine arts critic and curator;
involved in the feminist fine arts and theory; she has a masters in aesthetics
from Ljubljana University where she continues her doctorate studies.

Lana Zdravković (Slovenia): graduate of the Philological Faculty of Belgrade
University (world literature and theory of literature); in addition to being an
active member of the kitch artistic group, she works as a publicist, philosopher,
journalist and activist, as well as performance and multimedia arts.

Marina Gržinić (Slovenia) is doctor of philosophy and works as researcher
at the Institute of Philosophy at the ZRC SAZU in Ljubljana. She is a
freelance media theorist and curator, and has been involved in video art
since 1982. In collaboration with Aina Šmid she has produced more than
30 video art projects, a short film, numerous video and media installations,
Internet websites and an interactive CD-ROM (ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany).
Gržinić has published hundreds of articles and 5 books; her last book is
Fiction Reconstructed: Eastern Europe, Post-Socialism and the Retro-Avant-
Garde (Vienna: Edition Selene in collaboration with Springerin, Vienna,



Thinking loudly about gender, queer and (post) feminism
Moderator: Marina Gržinić
Participants: Diana McCarty, Maja Bajević, Anita Ponton, Silke Mansholt, Katrien Jacobs, Marijs
Boulogne, Shelbatra Jashari, Christen Clifford, Waltraud Grausgruber, Birgitt Wagner, Rosa Reitsamer,
Ivana Sajko, Alenka Spacal, Lana Zdravković

Simultaneous translation from English into Slovene will be provided
Organisation: City of Women
In collaboration with: Peace Institute

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