Enough of Minimal Conditions: The world is not a global hospital
The Institute for Disaster and Chaos (a group of female artists in the field of performance and performance studies) will, as a part of A Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful Disaster, organize a workshop for 15–20 local female artists who will, with their contributions in the form of musical, visual, verbal, i.e. personal, expressions, together with the artists from the above-mentioned institute, develop content and further deepen the research of the participating artists.
The workshop
will take place on Monday and Tuesday, October 7th and 8th, between 11
am and 5 pm (with an hour lunch break) at Dance Theatre
Ljubljana (Prijateljeva
2, Ljubljana).
All workshop
participants willing to take part in the final DDDK
performance (October 9th at 8 pm) should reserve their
time for rehearsals, a dress rehearsal and performance on
Wednesday, October 9th!
The workshop
will address the following questions: Why actually agree
to the constant political mode of survival and a
continuous catastrophe? Where in such a social and
private situation has the possibility of realising full
creative potentials disappeared to? What is actually
happening to us under the dictates of permanent
catastrophe? To what extent do such states reduce us to
just the elementary needs?
The workshop
is held by Selma
Banich, Deana Gobac, Nataa Govedić, Roberta Milevoj and
Iva Nerina Sibila, the members
of the Zagreb-based Institute for Catastrophe and Chaos.
We kindly invite all female artists (theatre,
performance, music, visual arts, literature) as well as
other women interested in the workshops topic. The
conditions for applying for the workshop are the ability
to communicate in English and participation on both days
of the workshop (October 7th and 8th). The willingness to
take part in the final DDDK performance (October 9th) is
desired but not a prerequisite for participating in the
Applications can be submitted up to October
4, 2013 at the latest. Please send us a brief letter of
intent, a short CV, and contact info (email and phone number) at: workshop@cityofwomen.org
The number of workshop participants is
limited, which makes the application mandatory. Participation is
Organization: City of Women; In
collaboration with: Dance Theatre Ljubljana. Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia,
EU Culture.