Feminist Infrastructural Critique: Life-Affirming Practices against Capital
Feminist Infrastructural Critique: Life-Affirming Practices Against Capital, published in July 2024, is an 74th issue of FKW journal for Gender Studies and Visual Culture. The editors, Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg and Claudia Lomoschitz, introduce the notion of feminist infrastructural critique and of the issue as a whole: fourteen contributions by thirty-six authors speak about their activist feminist infrastructural practices in a wide range of geographies ranging, among others, from the Brazilian Amazon to different cities in Europe, Pakistan, the Seychelles, Syria, Puerto Rico. Taken together they show that infrastructure can be practiced otherwise and resists capital’s colonization of nature and bodies that is built on infrastructure. The contributions focus on the life-affirming dimensions of infrastructural practices foregrounding that use, maintenance, and repair are key to resisting, and overcoming, infrastructural violence and injustice. Contributors Urška Jurman and Vida Rucli, both part of the group Ecologies of Care, will speak about their specific work on sites under pressure in Ljubljana and Topolò/Topolove respectively.