17. October 2003

Pippi Langstrump

"This is the most anarchistic children's book in the
Swedish language," said one Swedish newspaper when Pippi Longstocking
was first published in 1945. Critics cited a number of "educational
irregularities" in Lindgren's book, that it was tasteless, abnormal and
even unsuitable for girls. Today such reproaches seem groundless and even
absurd. Nevertheless, women's studies are now examining Pippi under a
microscope and sometimes saying, reproachfully, that Pippi is really some sort of
super-girl or even a boy in disguise; some feminist scholars have even
suggested that the story's "sexist" content should be expunged. But
others see her as the influential forerunner of a new wave in children's
literature of active heroines who defy social convention.
Pippi Longstocking is one of the most influential books in its genre, and Pippi
herself is a heroine who, after all these years in both book and film (as
played by the excellent Inger Nilsson), has managed to preserve the
greater part of her practicality, curiosity, humour and irony.
Valerija Vendramin

Directed by: Olle Hellbom
Based on the novel by: Astrid Lindgren
Cast: Inger Nilsson, Pär Sundberg, Maria Persson

Organisation: City of Women
In co-operation with: Slovenska kinoteka
With the support of: Video Art d.o.o. and TV Slovenia



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