13. October 2003

Readings by Women

They say the Slovene national identity developed through the
Slovene language and its literature. No surprise, then, that, over the long
years of Slovene literary history, women have almost never been admitted to the
Slovene Parnassus. Leadership and decision-making in such serious areas as
statehood, national identity, authority and power are certainly not things that
should be left in women's hands: the romantic myth of the poet as prophet and
national leader offers woman only the beautiful and supportive roles of muse
and admirer.
But things have been changing in recent times: women, it seems, have something
to say and they want to say it out loud. Thus, they are often more subversive,
braver, more honest and more ironic-and possess a greater sensibility for this
kind of subtle violence (hidden under the cloak of decency and
decorum)-than their male counterparts. But come and see for yourself that there
is no such thing as "women's literature", nor is there only one sort
of "women's language" or "women's writing"; on the
contrary, there are exactly as many "women's voices" as there are
women writers.
Barbara Korun

Readings of texts by Slovene women writers and poets

Participants: Polona Glavan, Barbara Korun, Taja Kramberger,
Manka Kremenšek-Križman, Neža Maurer, Vida Mokrin-Pauer, Maja Novak, Vera
Pejovič, Sonja Porle, Lili Potpara, Jana Putrle, Veronika Simoniti, Urška
Sterle, Lucija Stupica, Nataša
Sukič, Irena Svetek, Suzana Tratnik, Nataša Velikonja, Maja Vidmar,
Eva Vrtačič


Sale of books written by women

Organisation: ŠKUC
In co-operation with: City of Women



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