School and Preschool through the Looking Glass
School and Preschool through the Looking Glass
In Slovenian
69,97 / 35 €
Which indirect messages do children and young people get from adult behaviour about themselves and others in the course of education? The expert meeting looks at examples of good practice, works of art and teaching materials that can be used to overcome clichés, prejudice, stereotypes and other generalisations in everyday preschool and school life.
9.30–9.40 Opening address
9.40–11.00 Introductory lectures:
Eva D. Bahovec: New Ideas about (Op)position: the Hidden Curriculum and the Clash with New Ideologies;
Darja Rakovič: School and Preschool through the Looking Glass
11.00–11.20 Break
11.20–12.20 Tea Hvala: moderated discussion after the lectures
12.20–13.00 Urška Jež: presentation of teaching materials and equal opportunities toolbox
13.00–14.20 Lunch at Pionirski dom and visit to the Škuc Gallery
14.20–15.10 Nevena Aleksovski: guided tour of Annette Krauss’ exhibition Hidden Curriculum at the Škuc Gallery
15.10–15.30 Break and visit to the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre
15.30–16.40 Performance Everything Is Alright at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre
16.40–16.50 Break
16.50–17.20 Sara Šabec: moderated discussion with performance participants
17.20–17.30 Closing address
Apply by 11 October via KATIS or the online form.
Applicants who cannot apply via KATIS are entitled to the lower fee.