25. October 1996

Soccoro! Gloria! 13 Piezas Distinguidas

“If she had lived a few decades ago, Marcel Duchamp would have taken La
Ribot on a spree or would have made her come down the stairs naked; maybe Peggy
Guggenheim would have offered her a Venetian palace, or Picabia proposed her
marriage; surely Breton would have dedicated “Nadja” to her.”
(Roger Salas in El Pais)

Soccoro! Gloria! 13 Piezas Distinguidas is an exhibition of embodied
poems. Solo-performer La Ribot exhibits herself , like a moving sculpture, in
her thirteen distinguished pieces. Without apparent logic or structure, each
one of miniatures evokes different women’s portraits, or rather, situations.
Her body is the content of her work, the bearer of the ideas and emotions.
Reminiscent of some of the silent-movie stars, she moves carefully along the
thin line between laughter and bitter earnest. “La Ribot is a phenomenon, a complete and absolute theatre animal, a
character who says what she wants to say without saying anything. She appears
and things start to happen. Not only on stage, but also between her and the
audience. One by one we feel connected to her, attacked by her...” (V. Burell)
If you’re interested in buying one of these distinguished pieces, La
Ribot informed us that the price is negotiable. The art-investor acquires a
photograph of the piece and can attend it whenever and wherever it is
performed. La Ribot has already sold two to Spanish art-collectors.

Supported by Direccion General de Relaciones
Culturales y Cientificas - Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (Spain)

In collaboration with Plesni Teater Ljubljana


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