13. October 2015
13.30 – 14.20

Woman (Ženska)

Woman is an historical, essayistic, interpretative view of the fight for women's rights in the territory of Slovenia, presenting all key events that were a step forward in the advancement of women's rights and equality.

The film illustrates the fight for economic independence of women and control over their own bodies. It is about the eradication of stereotypes through time, the fight for voting right, the right to education, work, equal pay, freedom of choice for childbirth, civil marriage and the elimination of socially-conditioned differences. It highlights the role of women's associations and the role of women in the processes of social liberation and creative practices, and addresses the situation of rural women and the role of Catholic Church. It explains the road to the civil marriage, tackles contraception, menstruation, violence and criminal law that protects woman's integrity. The film unveils stereotypes and through a lucid, mainly female view paints a portrait of today's society and woman's role in it.

It is a demonstration of courageous, persistent and all too often invisible steps that we might take for granted today. However little was granted on this way - a lot was acquired hard way. (Majda Širca)

The second part of Woman documentary (at festival summarised only in the trailer) is focused on the role of teachers, the image of mothers, businesswomen, women in wars and in particular women in socialism and provides a reflection on the position of women in modern times.

Script and direction: Majda Širca; Participating: Dr Milica Antić Gaber, Ana Cergol Paradiž, Irena Destovnik, Dr Mirjam Hladnik Milharčič, Dr Vesna Leskošek, Dr Irena Selišnik, Ivanka Skamen, Dr Svetlana Slapšak, Dr Gorazd Stariha, academician Alenka Šelih, Dr Marta Verginella, Dr Nina Vodopivec, Dr Peter Vodopivec, Dr Sabina Žnidaršič, Metka Majer; Camera operator: Jurij Nemec; Assistant camera operator; Jurij Frleta; Sound engineers: Nikola Klavžar, Samo Kozlevčar; Gaffers: Janez Belič, Vito Borenović; Editing: Zlatjan Čučkov; Colorist: Matej Pevec; Creative graphic design: Živko Ratković; Graphic designers: Alenka Martinčič, Breda Bras, Karina Kunej; Original music and music score: Borja Močnik; Sound mixing: Marijan Drobnič; Producer: Denis Miklavčič; Assistant director: Tina Djilas; Producers: Jaka Hemler, Tanja Prinčič; Acting editor: Andraž Pöschl; Acting editor-in-chief: dr. Ljerka Bizilj; Production: Radiotelevizija Slovenija.

Organisation: City of Women; In collaboration with: Slovenska kinoteka, RTV Slovenija. 



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