The Lesbian Image / Imagination
‘The lesbian image/imagination’
is a one-day workshop exclusively for women, and designed to be fun and
” We will bring Polaroid-cameras
and film with us, so we can view and discuss the pictures during the workshop.
Use this as an opportunity to visualise your fantasies and dreams. You are
welcome to bring your own props, clothes and models if you like. N.B. Not only
for young women. I am looking forward to meeting you in Ljubljana.”
Marian Bakker.
When: from 10. till 13. and from 14.
till 17.10. 1999
The maximum number of
participants is limited to eight, so booking is necessary. The deadline for
booking is Friday, 8 October. Register at the City of Women, phone:
061/329.184, or by sending email to: mesto.zensk@guest.arnes.si
In collaboration
with: Kasandra - Women’s Centre - Metelkova Mesto,