Die Kleine Flugschule
Nina Meško lives and creates in
Ljubljana. Her first work, Watching Alice, was presented at the Short Cuts
festival in Dietheater Kustlerhaus in Vienna and the Four days in Motion
festival in Prague and elsewhere. She
later developed the solo dance performance into a video-dance and
video-installation. Her next, shorter work, 13 hours in April was only
presented once at the Joyce Soho theatre in New York. The dance performance Die
Kleine Flugschule is her third project. Visual and film arts play an important
role in her performances. In her me-dium she develops a fragmentary language
which ‘thinks in images’. The sequence of short cuts, editing of fragments,
continuity of discontinuity and intense colours create a current of images
which testify to her commitment to telling ‘open’ stories.
In Die Kleine Flugschule she
builds a visual structure on the basis of (M)TV aesthetics which, in
co-ordination with sound and motion, gradually brings the spectator to the
point of identification with the person on stage. The image of the dancer is
clearly defined by the removal of individual characteristics and a merciless
subjection to observation.
Nina Meško feels the need to play
with different identities. She does not wish to have a real or true existence,
her being is as simple and playful as possible, and it is her playfulness which
attracts the viewer with its poetic and sensual language.
Author: Nina Meško; choreography and dance: Barbara Hudournik in Nina Meško; music: Sašo Vrabič; photography: Žiga Kariž; costume designe: Vanja Meško; light design:
Miran Šušteršič; producer: OPS!; subsidized by:
Ministrstvo za kulturo RS; with the support of: Intakt, DSPS, Totra
tekstil d.d.