Jelena Petrović
Jelena Petrović, PhD, completed her
doctoral studies at the Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis,
Ljubljana Graduate School of Humanities (ISH) in 2009, defending
the doctoral dissertation entitled Gender and Women's Authorship
in Literary Culture and Public Discourses in Yugoslavia between
Two World Wars. (Co)author of many scholarly articles,
art-theory events, contemporary art exhibitions and
cross-disciplinary projects relating to the post/Yugoslav
subjects and femnist history – particularly to the
mis/interpretative models of Yugoslav history, memory, culture,
language and gender, moving toward new epistemological models of
the knowledge production. Affiliated as an independent lecturer
(assistant professor of anthropology) with the ISH, Ljubljana
Graduate School for Humanities, she also created the modul
Feminist curating of Contemporary Arts at the Academy of Fine
Arts in Ljubljana, where she taught between 2014 -2017. She was
guest proffessor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna between 2015
-2017. Member of the international editorial board Red Athena
University Press and Belgrade's Journal for Women’s Writing and
Culture ProFemina, the art-theory group Grupa Spomenik/Monument
Group and the feminist curatorial collective Red Min(e)d.